Jubilee Centre Council Chamber
9909 Franklin Avenue, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2K4
  • Sandy Bowman, Mayor
  • Ken Ball, Councillor
  • Funky Banjoko, Councillor
  • Lance Bussieres, Councillor
  • Kendrick Cardinal, Councillor
  • Shafiq Dogar, Councillor (via MS Teams)
  • Allan Grandison, Councillor
  • Keith McGrath, Councillor (via MS Teams)
  • Jane Stroud, Councillor
  • Stu Wigle, Councillor
  • Loretta Waquan, Councillor
Also Present:
  • H. Hunter, Chief Administrative Officer
  • J. Brown, Chief Legislative Officer
  • D. Bergey, Director, Community Services
  • L. Farquharson, Chief Financial Officer
  • D. Fraser, Director, Indigenous and Rural Relations
  • A. Haitas, Director, Planning and Development Services
  • M. Harrison, Chief of Staff
  • J. Singh, Acting Director, Environmental Services
  • K. Smith, Director, Public Works
  • D. Soucy, Legislative Officer

Mayor S. Bowman called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. 

Councillor K. Cardinal served notice of his intent to bring forward the following motion for Council's consideration at the September 10, 2024 Council Meeting:

"THAT Administration bring forward a report that provides information and options related to those who live on First Nation Reserves having the opportunity to vote in Municipal Elections."

Mayor S. Bowman served notice of his intent to bring forward the following motion for Council's consideration at the September 10, 2024 Council Meeting:

"WHEREAS across Alberta electricity transmission and distribution vary by geographical location, which results in a disparity in pricing; and

WHEREAS the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo should be treated equitably and fairly in Alberta.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Administration review and bring forward a report outlining options that the Municipality can consider in relation to the disparity in electricity distribution and transmission rates."

Mayor S. Bowman served notice of his intent to bring forward the following motion for Council's consideration at the September 10, 2024 Council Meeting:

"WHEREAS in July 2021, Council directed Administration to bring forward a Council Procurement Policy inclusive of Social Procurement, as well as work with stakeholders on an Indigenous Procurement Policy; and

WHEREAS on September 14, 2021, Council approved the Procurement Policy SCM-100 which is inclusive of Social Procurement and Indigenous Procurement.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Administration bring forward an update to Council on the Municipality’s procurement policy and processes, including social and Indigenous procurement, as well as information on the percentage of funds invested by the Municipality on local businesses and local Indigenous businesses."

  • MOVER:F. Banjoko
    SECONDER:L. Bussieres

    THAT the Agenda be amended by moving Item 5.4 2024 Capital Budget Amendment to occur after Item 4.1 Presentation - Diya Laha and Monisha Velmurgugan, Mayor’s Advisory Council on Youth (MACOY), re: 2023 -2024 MACOY Year End Report; and

    THAT the agenda be adopted as amended.

    FOR (9)K. Ball, F. Banjoko, L. Bussieres, K. Cardinal, S. Dogar, K. McGrath, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    ABSENT (2)A. Grandison, and L. Waquan
    CARRIED (9 to 0)

Councillor K. Ball requested that item 3.3 Bylaw No. 24/015 – Municipal Development Plan 2024-2044 be removed from the Consent Agenda and added under New and Unfinished Business as item 5.7.

  • MOVER:J. Stroud
    SECONDER:S. Wigle

    THAT the recommendations contained in items 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 be approved.

    FOR (9)K. Ball, F. Banjoko, L. Bussieres, K. Cardinal, S. Dogar, K. McGrath, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    ABSENT (2)A. Grandison, and L. Waquan
    CARRIED (9 to 0)
  • THAT the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on June 25, 2024 be accepted as presented.

  • MOVER:J. Stroud
    SECONDER:S. Wigle

    THAT the Q1 2024 Flood Mitigation Update be accepted as information.


Diya Laha and Monisha Velmurgugan, Mayor’s Advisory Council on Youth (MACOY), presented the Committee's Year End Report, noting that over the past year, MACOY has focused their work in the area of anti-racism engagement, observing Council meetings, volunteering and attending events around the community noting the positive impact their work has had on the MACOY members.

Laurie Farquharson, Corporate Services, and Elliot White, Organizational Support Services, provided an overview of two capital projects submitted for Capital Budget amendment consideration, including Albion Drive Rehabilitation and Road Surface and Alleyways Improvement, resulting in a net decrease of $1,000,000 to the 2024 and prior Capital Budget if approved.

  • MOVER:S. Wigle
    SECONDER:L. Bussieres

    THAT the 2024 Capital Budget Amendments as summarized on Attachment 1 (2024 Capital Budget Amendment – Project Cancellation and Amendment – Net Impact, dated July 9, 2024) be approved; and 

    THAT the revised Cash Flow of Capital Projects as summarized on Attachment 2 (2024 Capital Budget Amendment – Project Cancellation and Amendment – Cash Flow Summary, dated July 9, 2024) be approved. 

    FOR (7)K. Ball, L. Bussieres, K. Cardinal, S. Dogar, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    AGAINST (2)F. Banjoko, and K. McGrath
    ABSENT (2)A. Grandison, and L. Waquan
    CARRIED (7 to 2)

Elliot White, and Erin Judge, Organizational Support Services, presented the Flood Mitigation Reach 6 options and cost estimates, noting that proposed progression of Reach 6 would involve the construction of a berm as structural mitigation between Clearwater Drive and the Clearwater River, the relocation of the Heritage Shipyard to a new location within the riverfront, and structural mitigation of all historical artifacts, as well as planning for future growth of the Clearwater Drive corridor. It was further noted an alternate option for Reach 6 flood mitigation would be to elevate Clearwater Drive to a minimum elevation of 250.9m and that this option would cost approximately $40 million more than the construction of a berm.  

Administration answered questions of Council regarding other options for Reach 6 flood mitigation, including safety concerns related to sightlines between Clearwater Drive, the Clearwater River, and properties located along Clearwater Drive.

Point of Order

Councillor S. Wigle called a Point of Order as Councillor S. Dogar, was providing debate points rather than asking questions. Mayor S. Bowman upheld the Point of Order.

Exits, Returns and Entrance

Councillor J. Stroud exited the meeting at 4:51 p.m. and returned at 4:53 p.m. 

Councillor A. Grandison entered the meeting at 5:08 p.m.

Councillor F. Banjoko exited the meeting at 5:09 p.m. and returned at 5:20 p.m.


A recess occurred from 5:23 p.m. to 5:38 p.m.


Jack Peden, Board Member, and Verna Murphy, Executive Director, Fort McMurray Heritage Society (the Society), were available to answer questions of Council, and noted that the Society's goals include having the Heritage Shipyard relocated in a cost-effective manner to an area that is pleasing to the public with a view of the Clearwater River.

Councillor F. Banjok put forward the following motion as recommended by Administration for consideration of Council:


1. the Flood Mitigation - Reach 6 project be approved with structural mitigation placed at a minimum elevation of 250.9m, between Clearwater Drive and the Clearwater River, with future growth consideration on the Clearwater Drive corridor. 

2. Administration proceed with relocating the Heritage Shipyard to a new location within the riverfront alongside Reach 6 and provide structural mitigation of all historical artifacts to a minimum elevation of 250.9m."

Point of Order

Councillor F. Banjoko called a Point of Order as a side discussion between Councillors K. Ball and L. Bussieres was occurring during questions to Administration. Mayor S. Bowman asked Council Members to refrain from side conversations during the meeting. 

Councillor S. Wigle requested that the motions related to the Flood Mitigation Reach 6 structural mitigation and the relocation of the Heritage Shipyard be severed.

Debate continued on the first portion of the severed motion. 

Exit and Return

Councillor A. Grandison exited the meeting at 6:26 p.m. to 6:27 p.m.

Councillor S. Dogar was disconnected from the meeting at 6:35 p.m. and was absent for the vote on the proposed Flood Mitigation - Reach 6 structural mitigation. Councillor S. Dogar returned to the meeting at 6:40 p.m. and was present for the vote on the proposal to relocate the Heritage Shipyard.

Voting occurred on the first portion of the severed motion. 


Debate continued on the second portion of the severed motion.

Mayor S. Bowman proposed a friendly amendment to add the words "in consultation with the Heritage Shipyard Society" following the words "to a new location", which was accepted.

The motion under debate now reads as follows:

"THAT Administration proceed with relocating the Heritage Shipyard to a new location in consultation with the Heritage Shipyard Society within the riverfront alongside Rach 6 and provide structural mitigation of all historical artifacts to a minimum elevation of 250.9m" 

Voting then occurred on motion 2, as presented above. 



A recess occurred from 6:48 p.m. to 7:01 p.m.

Councillor S. Wigle put forward the following motion for consideration:

"THAT Administration be directed to construct the Flood Mitigation - Reach 6 project as an elevated road within a minimum elevation of 250.9 m"

Following questions of Administration and with consensus of Council, Councillor S. Wigle withdrew the motion regarding the construction of Flood Mitigation - Reach 6 as an elevated road, noting that options for flood mitigation in that area should be further reviewed and consideration should be given to the safety of residents and property in the area.

Councillor S. Wigle then presented the following motion for consideration:

"THAT the matter be referred to Administration for further review and report back with more information, including safety and advice and/or opinion of RCMP, and options for Flood Mitigation Reach 6" 

Council debated and considered the motion before them and voted on the motion presented by Councillor S. Wigle.

  • MOVER:F. Banjoko
    SECONDER:J. Stroud

    THAT the Flood Mitigation - Reach 6 project be approved with structural mitigation placed at a minimum elevation of 250.9m, between Clearwater Drive and the Clearwater River, with future growth consideration of the Clearwater Drive corridor.


    FOR (4)F. Banjoko, A. Grandison, J. Stroud, and S. Bowman
    AGAINST (5)K. Ball, L. Bussieres, K. Cardinal, K. McGrath, and S. Wigle
    ABSENT (2)S. Dogar, and L. Waquan
    DEFEATED (4 to 5)
  • MOVER:F. Banjoko
    SECONDER:J. Stroud

    THAT Administration proceed with relocating the Heritage Shipyard  to a new location in consultation with the Heritage Shipyard Society within the riverfront alongside Reach 6 and provide structural mitigation of all historical artifacts to a minimum elevation of 250.9m.

    FOR (8)K. Ball, F. Banjoko, L. Bussieres, S. Dogar, A. Grandison, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    AGAINST (2)K. Cardinal, and K. McGrath
    ABSENT (1)L. Waquan
    CARRIED (8 to 2)
  • MOVER:S. Wigle
    SECONDER:K. Ball

    THAT the matter be referred to Administration for further review and report back with more information, including safety and advice and/or opinion of RCMP, and options for Flood Mitigation Reach 6.

    FOR (7)K. Ball, F. Banjoko, L. Bussieres, A. Grandison, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    AGAINST (3)K. Cardinal, S. Dogar, and K. McGrath
    ABSENT (1)L. Waquan
    CARRIED (7 to 3)

Dennis Fraser, Angela Woods, and Rita Kankunda, Indigenous and Rural Relations, presented the annual update on the Municipality's response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action. It was further noted that three additional Calls to Action have been identified that align with the values in Council's Strategic Plan, which call for the joint development of a Royal Proclamation of Reconciliation to be issued by the Crown, as well as increased education, programming and resources for the public focused on residential schools and an inclusive history of the diverse Aboriginal peoples of Canada.


Following voting on the matter, a recess occurred from 7:58 p.m. to 8:07 p.m.

  • MOVER:K. Cardinal
    SECONDER:L. Bussieres

    THAT the attached report Responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action in Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo – 2023 Annual Update be accepted as information; 

    THAT Call to Action 45 be formally adopted, which calls upon the Government of Canada, on behalf of all Canadians, to jointly develop with Aboriginal peoples a Royal Proclamation of Reconciliation to be issued by the Crown;

    THAT Call to Action 69 (recommended by Alberta Municipalities) be formally adopted, which encourages libraries to commit more resources to public education and programming focused on residential schools; and

    THAT Call to Action 93 (recommended by Alberta Municipalities) be formally adopted, which calls on governments to create and/or revise information kits for newcomers to reflect a more inclusive history of the diverse Aboriginal peoples of Canada, including information about the Treaties and the history of residential schools.

    FOR (10)K. Ball, F. Banjoko, L. Bussieres, K. Cardinal, S. Dogar, A. Grandison, K. McGrath, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    ABSENT (1)L. Waquan
    CARRIED (10 to 0)

Laurie Farquharson, and Ashley Ryan, Corporate Services, provided an overview of the proposed amendments to Investment Policy FIN-140, which would increase Corporate Bond holdings from 40% to 60% within the existing category for permitted investments, as well as an increase to the per security restriction on the overall investment portfolio from 2% to 5%, which aligns with the legislative requirements of the Municipal Government Act regulations.

  • MOVER:S. Wigle
    SECONDER:K. Ball

    THAT the Investment Policy Fin-140, as outlined on Attachment 1, dated July 10, 2024, be approved.

    FOR (10)K. Ball, F. Banjoko, L. Bussieres, K. Cardinal, S. Dogar, A. Grandison, K. McGrath, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    ABSENT (1)L. Waquan
    CARRIED (10 to 0)

Patrick White, Legal Services, and Keivan Navidi, Corporate Services, provided an overview of the proposed amendments to the Natural Resources Extraction Support Project Bylaw, noting that changes to the Bylaw would expand the type of qualifying projects to include small scale Designated Industrial Properties as well as shorten the duration of the application period for the tax incentive due to the significant interest and recent discussions with potential applicants.

  • MOVER:A. Grandison
    SECONDER:L. Bussieres

    THAT Bylaw No. 24/016, being an amendment to the Natural Resources Extraction Support Project Bylaw No. 24/009, be read a second time.

    FOR (10)K. Ball, F. Banjoko, L. Bussieres, K. Cardinal, S. Dogar, A. Grandison, K. McGrath, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    ABSENT (1)L. Waquan
    CARRIED (10 to 0)
  • MOVER:A. Grandison
    SECONDER:K. Ball

    THAT Bylaw No. 24/016 be read a third and final time.

    FOR (10)K. Ball, F. Banjoko, L. Bussieres, K. Cardinal, S. Dogar, A. Grandison, K. McGrath, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    ABSENT (1)L. Waquan
    CARRIED (10 to 0)

Councillor J. Stroud spoke to the proposed Audit and Budget Committee Bylaw and requested that Administration bring back a second bylaw option that is aligned with the City of Calgary structure.

  • MOVER:J. Stroud
    SECONDER:F. Banjoko

    THAT the matter be referred to Administration and be directed to consider the City of Calgary structure and bring back a second bylaw option to be presented to Council within 30 days working with Mayor Bowman, Councillor Bussieres and Councillor Stroud. 


    FOR (10)K. Ball, F. Banjoko, L. Bussieres, K. Cardinal, S. Dogar, A. Grandison, K. McGrath, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    ABSENT (1)L. Waquan
    CARRIED (10 to 0)

Councillor K. Ball noted that he requested that the Municipal Development Plan 2024-2044 (MDP) be removed from the consent agenda to bring public awareness to the importance of the MDP, which would lead the Region for the next 20 years.

Amanda Haitas, Planning and Development Services, noted that the MDP is a guiding document that provides direction on managing regional growth and development, and indicated that the Public Hearing planned for September 10, 2024, would give the public the opportunity to provide their input on the MDP before it is adopted. 

  • MOVER:F. Banjoko
    SECONDER:A. Grandison

    THAT Bylaw No. 24/015, being the Municipal Development Plan 2024-2044, be read a first time; and

    THAT the required Public Hearing be scheduled for September 10, 2024.

    FOR (10)K. Ball, F. Banjoko, L. Bussieres, K. Cardinal, S. Dogar, A. Grandison, K. McGrath, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    ABSENT (1)L. Waquan
    CARRIED (10 to 0)

Councillor K. Ball spoke to his motion, noting that dispensing of notice to the public when a new matter is introduced by a Council Member should only be done if there is a valid reason such as an emergency or emergent issue, and that it should require unanimous consent of Council Members in attendance at that meeting.

Point of Order

Councillor F. Banjoko called a Point of Order on Councillors K. Ball and L. Bussieres for speaking out of turn during debate on the motion. Mayor S. Bowman upheld the Point of Order. 

  • MOVER:K. Ball
    SECONDER:L. Bussieres

    WHEREAS Procedure Bylaw No. 18/020 outlines the procedures for a Councillor to make a motion introducing a new matter; and

    WHEREAS a Councillor may make a motion introducing a new matter if Council passes a resolution dispensing with notice as outlined in section 114(b); and

    WHEREAS Council should only dispense with notice in emergent and/or emergency situations when there is unanimous agreement to do so.

    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Administration bring forward an amendment to the Procedure Bylaw that adjusts section 114 to include unanimous consent as a requirement to dispense notice.

    FOR (10)K. Ball, F. Banjoko, L. Bussieres, K. Cardinal, S. Dogar, A. Grandison, K. McGrath, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    ABSENT (1)L. Waquan
    CARRIED (10 to 0)

Councillor L. Bussieres spoke to his motion, noting that a review of disposal or sale of municipal assets that are no longer used or that have a low repurpose potential would be fiscally responsible in alignment with the ongoing asset management plan. 

  • MOVER:L. Bussieres
    SECONDER:A. Grandison

    WHEREAS the Municipality maintains and owns a number of assets; and

    WHEREAS Administration has brought forward the projection on the municipal assets and the costs associated with maintaining and operating them.

    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Administration investigate the disposal/sale of municipal assets that are no longer in use or those assets that have low repurpose potential, and bring for a detailed disposal plan which may include options such as sale, donation, recycling, or other appropriate disposal methods, in alignment with all relevant policies and regulations along with an updated Asset Management Policy.

    FOR (10)K. Ball, F. Banjoko, L. Bussieres, K. Cardinal, S. Dogar, A. Grandison, K. McGrath, J. Stroud, S. Wigle, and S. Bowman
    ABSENT (1)L. Waquan
    CARRIED (10 to 0)

With consensus of Council, it was agreed that item 6.3 Integrity Commissioner - Councillor K. McGrath would be deferred to the second regular Council Meeting in September, 2024. 

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. 

No Item Selected